At Fitzfitness we offer Therapy Through Functional Movement. Current clients who have benefited from this program include clients with sensory processing disorders, physical and intellectual disabilities, autism, down syndrome, cerebral palsy, mental health and brain injuries. This individualised program consist of multi-directional movements that require the person to have cognitive engagement to access their hand-to-eye coordination, agility, stability, strength and conditioning, and various rotational movements. The participant has increased brain stimulation and concentration when they are required to follow a set of physical tasks in a specific sequence. The program is conducted barefoot on soft matts for sensory purposes, restoring foot function and gait issues.

Cognitive: Problem solving, memory, and concentration.

Communication: Verbal/Non Verbal,Visual,Tactile- talking, and listening skills, learning to follow instructions, improve attention span.

Physical: Improve fine motor skills necessary for daily living and personal care tasks. Handling different sized objects for grip strength, lifting, throwing, catching, coordination between arms and legs, jumping, running, stepping up and down or stepping over different objects.

Sensory/Sensory Processing: Developing touch and body awareness through movement, watching, listening, and responding to cues in the sessions.

Social: Monthly group get togethers for bush walks and other activities. This gives everyone the opportunity to improve their social and communication skills.


At Fitzfitness we use a wide range of holistic therapies to help regulate, stimulate and calm the nervous system. As most of the clients we see have heightened senses their Sympathetic Nervous System is constantly running on high (fight or flight). This is where a lot of behaviours, frustration, anxiety, stress, anger, hyperventilation, high blood pressure and a increased heart rate happen throughout the body. Therefore it is very important to activate the clients Parasympathetic Nervous System (rest and digest) to help regulate their sensory levels and emotions by slowing down their heart and breathing rates, lowering their blood pressure and increasing calmness throughout their body.

Below is some of the holistic therapies we use to activate and regulate the clients parasympathetic nervous system.

Infrared Sauna

Detoxification, muscle relaxation, pain relief, improved circulation, stress reduction, sensory stimulation, enhanced immune function, heart rate variability and blood pressure regulation.

Compression Boots

Improved circulation, reduce swelling, muscle relaxation, sensory regulation, relaxation, improved blood flow.


We use breath work to decrease stress, anxiety, behavioural issues, hyperventilation, self regulation, lower heart rate, improved functional breathing, improved sleep.

Massage techniques: Reduce stress, sensory stimulation and integration, improved sleep, relaxation, stress reduction, improved circulation, joint mobility and flexibility, pain relief, enhanced body awareness, increased mind body connection, improved digestion.

Sound and Music Therapy: Sensory regulation, stress and anxiety reduction, improved focus and attention, enhanced communication skills, expressive outlet, auditory stimulation, activate Parasympathetic Nervous System, promotes deep breathing and heart rate regulation, neurological synchronisation.

Scented Oils ( insense, sage, diffuser, sprays): Calming effect, stimulation of positive memories, decreased behaviours, activates parasympathetic nervous system, mood enhancement, anxiety reduction, improved focus and concentration, transition aid, personalised environment, multi-sensory approach.

Hydro/water Therapy: Reduce joint impact, pain relief, reduce stress and anxiety, improved mood, decrease behaviours, improved circulation, sensory stimulation.

At Fitzfitness we pride ourselves on improving the quality of life and daily living for everyone with disabilities/intellectual disabilities, autism, down syndrome, cerebral palsy, mental health and brain injuries. Looks great!Looks interesting.Thank you for the information.